
Showing posts from March, 2018

Opinion Writing Preview

Story 1: Apple reaches new low with batteries 1. Who wrote the story? - Ian Miller 2. What is their story about?-  iPhone updates making the batteries worse 3. What is their direct opinion about that topic? Please quote it directly from the story or do a really good job of paraphrasing.-  "The way I see it, Apple's goal with these updates aren't to protect the battery, but rather to protect its newer iPhone models." 4. Did they address what the other side might think about their topic?-  Yes 5. Were they wishy-washy with their opinion? By this I mean did they ever go back and say well maybe if this were to happen, then their opinion wouldn't be valid. Support your opinion.-  Yes; "Apple's main goal here isn't to fix the battery life of their phones, but rather to direct its customers towards buying the newest, greatest phone they release." 6. Are there any quotes in the story?-  There are no quotes 7. What point of vi

Earthquake Story

An earthquake rocked the San Francisco Bay area Monday morning. The quake struck at 8:12 a.m. PDT "The epicenter of the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 6.4 on the Richter scale, was under the Hayward Hills," according to Penny Gertz, a scientist from the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park. Gertz called the quake a “strong one” and said it occurred on the Hayward Fault, which runs under the hills. "People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake," Gertz said. "A building housing McHenry’s Auto Supply at 2342 Plum St. partially collapsed, killing two people and injuring six others," according to  Jennifer Vu, a public information officer from the Hayward Fire Department. "Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families," Vu said. "Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police, and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse, with some arriving within f

SLO Practice

1.) D 2.) B  C 3.) C 4.) D 5.) B 6.) C 7.) On Thursday, June 2 teenage activist Malala Yousafzai makes an appearance at the "Young Activists" award ceremony in Toronto, Canada. The award ceremony was a time to show thanks to those young courageous leaders all around the world.

Huntington Story

Janice Jones, 53, of Barstow, California is said to have been shot in the leg by her dog on Wednesday at around 10 p.m.  According to California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye, Jones was eating pork chops in her motor home when her dog knocked her 9 mm handgun off of a seat and when the gun hit the ground it fired into Jones' right leg.  "It could have been worse," Rye said, "The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank." "Jones was transported to Huntington Beach Hospital via ambulance and later was transported to Irvine Medical Center," Rye said.  Jim Washington, a spokesperson for Huntington Beach Hospital, confirmed Jones was treated at the hospital but gave no additional information. Rye said that officers cited Jones for expired plates and the county’s district attorney’s office was considering whether to charge her in relation to the gun accident.  "Jones doesn’t have a permit for the gun," Rye said. Jon

iMovie Tutorials

1) Overall, these websites inform you on all of the steps for importing a video from your camera or phone onto the computer you're using iMovie on. Once your video is uploaded to iMovie you click "New Event" to start creating the film. The app has many helpful tools to help improve the videos and/or photos, like the quality of them or the size and so on. In addition, to make your movie smoother you can add transitions in between any frames. 2) One thing I already knew is how to trim and split the movie clips. 3) One thing I didn't know was that if you double-click on a clip it shows you a timeline. 4) Something I am concerned about with the final project is the lighting staying good throughout the entire movie. 5) I am confident that I will have a DSLR camera to shoot with, as my dad has one. 6) At the moment, I'm thinking about shooting the process of a surprise party that I'm going to later; setting up for the surprise and the birthday girl's i

Student of the Month Story

Who -  Elise Alma What -  New student of the month Where -  Bowie High School When -  Thursday, January 15, 2018 Why -  wants a good college resume How -  saved a puppy On Thursday, January 15, Elise Alma became the first ever freshman to be titled Student of the Month at Bowie High School in Austin, Texas. Alma received the award by saving a puppy, with the intent of having a good college resume. Alma was incredibly proud to be titled Student f the Month.  "I am so proud to be named Student of the Month, I've been working for this award the entire school year," Elise Alma said. Being named the Student of the Month is something that means a lot to Alma. "I strived for this title all of my high school career," Alma said. Elise feels that students who want to be a Student of the Month should be prepared. "My advice to students who are trying to be the Student of the Month is to make sure and turn your work in on time and try and become frie

Nut Graf

   A nut graf can be either a paragraph that loosely summarizes the whole of a story in newspapers and magazines. The nut graf tells why the content in the story matters, and it is where the most important information is. The name, "nut graf" is called what it is because it's explaining what the piece is about in a "nutshell".    More often than not, a nut graf is formatted with the most important in the very beginning. Then the body of the paragraph would be the crucial information, and lastly, the extra information at the end of the paragraph.

Inverted Pyramid


My First Interview

1.) How does it feel to be named "Student of the Month"? Great, I have been working for it the entire school year. 2.)What do you think moved people to vote you for student of the month? I think people were moved to vote for me because of my hardworking personality and my overall friendliness.  3.) What do  you  think you did to be nominated for this award? I saved a puppy from being run over in front of the school, and I think once people saw that they thought "Hey I'm going to vote for her for student of the month". 4.) Was this title something you strived for, or did it just happen? I strived for it freshman year, but 10th and 11th grade I became obsessed with earning the title. 5.) What advice would you give to students who are trying to be the student of the month? I would tell them to make sure and turn your work in on time and try and become friends with your teachers, but try not to be the teacher's pet. 6.) Is there someone who motivated you to earn

Student of the Month Interview

Questions for the Student of the Month How does it feel to be named "Student of the Month"? What do you think moved people to vote you for student of the month? What do you  think you did to be nominated for this award? Was this title something you strived for, or did it just happen? What advice would you give to students who are trying to be the student of the month? Is there someone who motivated you to earn this title? Why do you think being titled "Student of the Month" is so important to some people? Why do you think student of the month is even an award? Are you pushed by your family to do the best you can? Do you feel that you were pressured into being better than everyone else? How do you go about becoming student of the month? Are you involved in any other school activities?  Are you apart of any out of school activities? If so, how do you balance school work with extra curricular activities? Who, if anyone, would you thank for helping you

Basic Journalistic Writing Skills

Topic 1 1.) I could ask: The principle, Dr. Robinson, a counselor like Ms. Loza, and the superintendent, Dr. Paul Cruz. 2.) Why is the school board enforcing the new school uniform policy? What caused the idea for the uniforms? How did you decide to enforce the policy?  How do you think students will react to this new district-wide policy?  What made you think to have a school uniform? Do you think that students will be open-minded about the uniforms? Was there a person who influenced your decision? Are you prepared for the students' opinions on the new dress code? What are you willing to do to make sure the students are comfortable in the uniforms?  How strict will the dress code be? What happens if a girl wants to wear pants instead of a skirt? Or what would you say to a boy who wanted to wear a skirt instead of pants? Are you prepared for religious beliefs to get in the way of the uniforms?  If a student refuses to show the amount of skin that the uniform allows