Student of the Month Story

Who - Elise Alma
What - New student of the month
Where - Bowie High School
When - Thursday, January 15, 2018
Why - wants a good college resume
How - saved a puppy

On Thursday, January 15, Elise Alma became the first ever freshman to be titled Student of the Month at Bowie High School in Austin, Texas. Alma received the award by saving a puppy, with the intent of having a good college resume.

Alma was incredibly proud to be titled Student f the Month. 

"I am so proud to be named Student of the Month, I've been working for this award the entire school year," Elise Alma said.

Being named the Student of the Month is something that means a lot to Alma.

"I strived for this title all of my high school career," Alma said.

Elise feels that students who want to be a Student of the Month should be prepared.

"My advice to students who are trying to be the Student of the Month is to make sure and turn your work in on time and try and become friends with your teachers, but don't try to be the teacher's pet," Elise said.

While making the decision to try and be awarded the title was Elise's idea, her family made sure she tried her hardest.

"Yes, I am pushed by my parents to do my best, which they know is really good, so they have pretty high expectations," Alma said.

Alma is involved in a couple of extra curricular activities but makes sure she has time for her studies.

"I am active in my school's art club and track, but I'm not involved in any out of school activities because I need to make sure I have enough time for my school work," Alma said.

Elise has had a lot of practice with balancing her schedule.

"I balance my school work with my extra curricular activities by staying up late every night and  not getting enough sleep for the past four years," Alma said.

Elise knows that she couldn't have achieved this goal without the help of those around her.

"I would thank my teachers, my parents, and my dog for helping get to where I am today," Alma said.

Elise was motivated by her teacher to try and get this award.

"My biology teacher motivated me to be titled Student of the Month," Alma said.

Knowing that some people, like herself, strive to be awarded Student of the Month, Elise says why she thinks this award is so important to some people.

"I think being the student of the month is important to some people because they either want to be popular, or they think it will look good on college applications," Alma said.

Elise isn't sure whether or not she would like to be the Student of the Month again but if she did, she has an idea of how to do so.

"I'm not sure actually, I think I would just keep doing what I've been doing which is getting all my work turned in on time, not sleeping, and of course, saving puppies," Alma said.


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