My First Interview

1.) How does it feel to be named "Student of the Month"? Great, I have been working for it the entire school year.
2.)What do you think moved people to vote you for student of the month? I think people were moved to vote for me because of my hardworking personality and my overall friendliness. 
3.) What do you think you did to be nominated for this award? I saved a puppy from being run over in front of the school, and I think once people saw that they thought "Hey I'm going to vote for her for student of the month".
4.) Was this title something you strived for, or did it just happen? I strived for it freshman year, but 10th and 11th grade I became obsessed with earning the title.
5.) What advice would you give to students who are trying to be the student of the month? I would tell them to make sure and turn your work in on time and try and become friends with your teachers, but try not to be the teacher's pet.
6.) Is there someone who motivated you to earn this title? My biology teacher motivated me to be titled Student of the Month.
7.) Why do you think being titled "Student of the Month" is so important to some people? I think being the student of the month is important to some people because they either want to be popular, or they think it will look good on college applications.
8.) Why do you think student of the month is even an award? I think it's an award so that the school can say that they have good students and try and persuade people to attend it. 
9.) Are you pushed by your family to do the best you can? Yes, I am pushed by my parents to do my best, which they know is really good, so they have pretty high expectations.
10.) Do you feel that you were pressured into being better than everyone else? No, I wasn't pressured to be better than anyone but myself.
11.) How do you go about becoming student of the month? I filled out an application saying that I saved a puppy and then sent it in.
12.) Are you involved in any other school activities? I am involved in my school's art club and track.
13.) Are you apart of any out of school activities? I am not involved in any out of school activities. 
14.) If so, how do you balance school work with extra curricular activities? I balance my school work with my extra curricular activities by staying up late every night and  not getting enough sleep for the past four years. 
15.) Who, if anyone, would you thank for helping you get to where you are now? I would thank my teachers, my parents, and my dog for helping get to where I am today.
16.) Is there a specific reason that you tried to be student of the month? I wanted the title so I would have something that looked good on my college resume.
17.) Do you think this title will help you in the long run? Depending on what college I attend, it could look really good, or it could not matter at all.
18.) Do you think this is a necessary award to give out? No, I don't think this award is necessary to give out.
19.) How would you prepare for another nomination for student of the month? I'm not sure actually, I think I would just keep doing what I've been doing which is getting all my work turned in on time, not sleeping, and of course, saving puppies.
20.) Do you feel that you deserved this title? Yes, I do feel like I deserved this title because I saved a puppy. I mean I saved a life, so yes I totally deserve this award.


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