
Showing posts from October, 2017

American Soldier

A.) In my opinion, the most powerful image is the one where Ian is being comforted by a friend because he feels that is struggling to "fit in" back home and in the Army. This is powerful because he feels like he isn't fitting in in either of the places he is spending all of his time at. It must be hard to feel like that about the place you work, and the place you go to get away from work.  B.) The images tell a story by showing how he was nervous but excited at first, content but also uncomfortable with the Army and his home in the middle, and happy, relaxed, and grateful to be home, and married, at the end.  C.) The captions do a great job of showing why Ian felt the emotions that you could see in each of the pictures. They help the reader to understand how Ian is feeling, and sympathize with him. D.) Ian Fisher wanted to join the Army straight out of high school. He worked hard in order to be accepted into the military. Once he was in, Ian started off as a very go

Composition 2

1. Rule of thirds  2. Balancing Elements   3. Leading Lines   4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition) 5. Viewpoint   6. Background   7. Create depth   8. Framing   9. Cropping   10. Mergers and avoiding them  

Funny Captions

In Cleveland, Ohio, Carl Fredrikson is pulling a goofy face for the camera on his birthday. Family came over to celebrate Carl's 84th birthday on Sunday, January 7th. Seen racing to the finish line in their motorized wheelchairs, Janice and Ed Houston gather with their high school class to celebrate the school's 40th anniversary. The couple said that they felt like they were 17 again. At the local nursing home, Ethel Rodgers celebrates her 85th birthday with her fellow attendants of Evergreen Nursing Home. Ethel received a birthday crown, that she wore with pride.

Prompt Shoot 2

Purple Cold Electric

Abandoned Theme Parks

1.) If I had to visit one of these abandoned amusement parks, I would go to  Pripyat Amusement Park in Ukraine. I would go there because I like the simplicity  of it. I'm not a huge fan of amusement parks, and so I think I would, in a way, relate most to that park. I also like the rustic feel of the park that it seems to have had before it became abandoned.  2.) 3.) Five unusual places that I think would interest photographers are: - abandoned church - an underpass - an abandoned hospital - Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana at night - haunted house 4.) I found someone's photographs of an abandoned church in Cork, Ireland. Picture by Alison Killiea. 5.) I think it would be very interesting to to take pictures there because I would love to try and capture the essence of what the church once was. It interests me because churches are supposed to be filled with people worshiping their god, yet it's empty. Now, instead of being a church, it's mo

Mural Project Preview

1.) Three things that our group could take pictures of are lights, emotion, or color. 2.) Three things I would need to think about when I go out shooting manually are; the exposure of the picture, the lens aperture, and the shutter speed. 3.) Three ways we could get our Mural Projects onto the internet are; make a google slides presentation and put it on the Bowie website, make a prezi and upload it to the Bowie website, or we could make a slideshow of the pictures and post it on YouTube or, again, the Bowie website. 

Great B&W Photographers Part III

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? Post the images with your writing. While looking at William Klein's photography, what caught my eye was the fact that he often captured people in their happiest/carefree state. The things that made me choose each of these photos specifically are; -the boy with the gun: He looks like he's having fun, without having the latest toy or game.  -the boy on the swing and the little girl: They look like they are having so much fun in the moment, and are taking advantage of being kids while they can.  -the women in bathing suits: I absolutely love this picture because William captured such a pure moment that kind of gives people a reality check. This photo shows that people should just be who they are, and not worry about what other people think. As a bonus, it also shows strong women who feel great with their bodies, and

Aperture, Shutter Speed, & ISO

Aperture Aperture F2.8 Aperture F16 1.) The part of the body that closest relates to aperture is the pupil.  2.) The smaller the Aperture size, the higher the Aperture number. 3.) If the aperture is small, both the foreground and the background are focused. If it's a large aperture, the foreground will appear very focused, while the background is blurred. Shutter Speed Slow Shutter Speed High Shutter Speed 1.) At the beginning while the sun was still up and the courtyard had reasonable good light: a.) a booth in the middle of the yard near the Tree: High b.) a food booth outside under one of the big red awnings: Slow c.) the Stars performance inside the gym: High d.) students dancing near the center of the courtyard: High e.) people streaming in from the front doors: High f.) the basketball booth where students are shooting basketballs at a hoop: High Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enough tha


1.) While I was reading, I thought that the photographer was very smart when shooting. Nick said that he didn't like shooting from far away and zooming in because it isn't natural. He compared it to taking someone's portrait from a hundred yards away, it wouldn't make sense. Looking at the pictures, I felt like I was there, and I could almost feel the elephant's sadness, being that they are getting killed rapidly. 2.) 3.) The photo above is of a lion and lioness resting their heads on one another. They look to be in sorrow. This is my favorite picture because it shows how the pair rely on each other, even though the male lion is seen as the alpha. 4.) A rule of photography that is seen in this photo is balance. The lions' heads are going from the top of the picture to a lower part of the picture, and the lighting is balanced from dark around the edges and lighter in the center. Another rule used in this picture is simplicity, because it's just focused

Warm Up

1. What emotions did you feel as you worked your way through these images? As I got further into the collection of photos, I was more and more sad. It was heartbreaking to see it happen all the way through. I couldn't even recognize her towards the end. 2. The photographer said this: "These photographs do not define us, but they are us." What do you think about this comment now that you have looked at the photos? I think what it means is that she had cancer, and he had a wife who had cancer, those shouldn't be their titles. They shouldn't be known as "the women with cancer" or "the man whose wife has cancer". 3. Do you think you could shoot photos like this if you were in this situation? I think I would be able to, but it would be hard to have to not only live it, but re-live it when you're editing and posting the photos. And I would like to spend as much time as I had left with them instead of taking pictures. 4. If you could write Angelo