American Soldier

A.) In my opinion, the most powerful image is the one where Ian is being comforted by a friend because he feels that is struggling to "fit in" back home and in the Army. This is powerful because he feels like he isn't fitting in in either of the places he is spending all of his time at. It must be hard to feel like that about the place you work, and the place you go to get away from work. 

B.) The images tell a story by showing how he was nervous but excited at first, content but also uncomfortable with the Army and his home in the middle, and happy, relaxed, and grateful to be home, and married, at the end. 

C.) The captions do a great job of showing why Ian felt the emotions that you could see in each of the pictures. They help the reader to understand how Ian is feeling, and sympathize with him.

D.) Ian Fisher wanted to join the Army straight out of high school. He worked hard in order to be accepted into the military. Once he was in, Ian started off as a very good troop, but later began to slack off, and even turned himself in for having a drug problem, which dropped him down in rank. In the end, Ian pulled himself back together and made it through the rest of the time until the were allowed to go back home. He went home and stayed with family and eventually got married. 

E.) In the pictures where Ian was the main subject, the captions were written in 3rd person.

F.) Break down the captions:
1. How many sentences are they on average?- Each caption has about 2-3 sentences.
2. Read the first sentence of a couple of them, what information do they provide?- The info the first sentence provides is what is happening in the photo, and sometimes where they are.
3. Read the second sentences of a couple of them, what information do they provide?- The second sentences provide the info that isn't clear/given in the photo.
4. If there is a third sentence, what information does it provide?- Usually, the third sentence is a quote.
5. Do any captions include a quote?- Some of them do, but not many.
6. Are there any that have four sentences?-I think there might've been one or two that had four sentences. 

G.) I think it's possible to tell a story with just pictures and captions because people relate to pictures very easily because they can physically see what emotion the person is portraying. The captions help create the story by adding those key details that we can't infer by looking at the picture.

H.) Even though you can clearly create a story just by using pictures and captions, it is sometimes necessary to write a story. Some reasons you'd have to write a story are; there aren't any useable pictures, the story has too many key details that you can't skip over by using a picture/captions, or there were no pictures taken at all in the same time of when the story was happening.


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