Great B&W Photographers Part III

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them? Post the images with your writing.

While looking at William Klein's photography, what caught my eye was the fact that he often captured people in their happiest/carefree state. The things that made me choose each of these photos specifically are;
-the boy with the gun: He looks like he's having fun, without having the latest toy or game. 
-the boy on the swing and the little girl: They look like they are having so much fun in the moment, and are taking advantage of being kids while they can. 
-the women in bathing suits: I absolutely love this picture because William captured such a pure moment that kind of gives people a reality check. This photo shows that people should just be who they are, and not worry about what other people think. As a bonus, it also shows strong women who feel great with their bodies, and there aren't enough women like them nowadays. 

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time in the assignment Great Black and White Photographers Part 2. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos. Answer them on your blog.

I see the clouds in the sky, and reach for them as I get closer to them. I also see the trees swaying in the wind, and the leaves falling off and floating through the air.

I smell the rust from the swings on my hands as I get off the seat. Even after I scrub my hands with soap to get rid of the copper smell, it still lingers on my hands. 

I hear the squeak of the swing's chains as they struggle to hold my weight because the swing is made for little kids. Not only do I hear that, but I also hear the laughter of the two children who are having the time of their lives. 

I taste the fresh cut grass on my tongue because the smell is so strong, it makes its way to my mouth. The faint taste is just strong enough for me to think that I might've accidentally swallowed a blade or two of grass. 

I feel  the wind in my hair as swing so high I feel like I'm flying. The wind is so strong as I swing back and forth, it makes me shiver a little bit. 

I see confidence in a group of women. I see the smirks on their faces, as if they know they're breaking the barrier of how women should be seen. 

I smell the chlorine that's trapped inside of the indoor pool. The odor of bleach from the bathrooms and chlorine from the pool start to give me a headache. 

I hear the gratification of the women. I hear them thanking me repeatedly for giving them a voice. Their giggles fill the room because they are so happy to be showing people that they don't care what people think. 

I taste the chlorine that is just sitting in the air. The smell is so incredibly strong that I am getting light headed off the fumes.

I feel inspired by these powerful women. They are so strong, posing for the camera to show they aren't ashamed by the way they look. 

3.) To show my work, I would want to make a slideshow for the classroom so I could easily present my photos. For the school to see, I would make a poster so that they could easily follow along with my photos and what they are about, and so on.


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