Dispatch Issue #4

1.) Page #12 Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way
This article is about the performance of the musical, Mary Poppins. The author of this story is Jadon Alvarez and he wrote about the performances of the production. He shares the best points of the shows.
Who?- Bowie's theatre production kids, the Starlight Theatre Company
What?- The performance of the musical Mary Poppins
Where?- In the theatre of Bowie High School
When?- January 21
Why?- For the curious students/teachers who didn't make it to the shows
How?- Many students were involved in the production of the shows.
Junior Taylor Brown was quoted in the story. The strongest quote in the article is Madeline Sparks saying, "This is a family-friendly show so being able to develop the  back-story that she has an why she's there and what relationship she has with each character and bringing that to life," because it really sells the show. I wouldn't say that the leading sentence hooked me.

2.) Page #5 Biker races across state for competitions
This article is following Junior Austin Buttlar and his passion for mountain biking. Madison Austin, the author, writes about his routines as well as the Bowie biking team's routines/goals. She also shares Buttlar's feelings towards the sport.
Who?- The article is about Junior, Austin Buttlar
What?- His views of the varsity mountain biking team for Bowie
Where?- Austin, Texas
When?- February 9th
Why?- To get students interested in the mountain biking team for Bowie
How?- He practiced for years, joining the team freshman year.
The coach for the team, Chad Bobbitt, was quoted. The strongest quote is Austin Buttlar saying, "When I'm biking, it gives me the opportunity to take my mind off things and focus on the trail and the nature around." The leading sentence really did make me want to keep reading.

3.) Page #15 Hollywood speaks out over workplace sexual abuse
This article is an overview of the many speak-outs  about sexual abuse in the workplace. Author Kiran Patel writes about how many celebrities used their platform to raise awareness about the harassment that is taking place. 
Who?- People who suffered from sexual abuse at their work
What?- The many, many, cases of people confessing that they'd been sexually harassed at the workplace.
Where?- This was happening all around the world, but mainly in the United States.
When?- The speaking out has been happening since late 2017
Why?- To raise awareness for how people are not being treated appropriately and how we can stand up against it and fight. 
How?- Many celebrities used their high platform status to spread the word.
There are no quotes in this article. I think the lead sentence captured my attention.


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