Self-portrait vs Selfie & Shutterbug


A selfie is a picture that is taken of someone by that same "someone", or with nobody's help.
A self-portrait is a portrait that the artist makes of themselves, typically a painting or if it's a photograph then it's well thought-out and planned. The difference between the two is that selfies are easily disposable and not much though/planning is usually put into them. Self-portraits, however, have a lot of effort put into them. Selfies are quick snapshots of what's happening in that specific moment, whereas self-portraits generally portray how a person sees themselves or how they are represented. Also, self-portraits are only of yourself, but selfies can involve you and one or two more people in the photo. Another difference is that self-portraits are usually serious, whereas selfies can be goofy or fun as well as serious.

Although I don't take that many selfies, I prefer selfies over self-portraits. I like taking selfies when I'm with my friends so I can remember a moment quick and easy. Even if the selfie I take of me and my friends is really blurry and just not a good picture overall, it still shows the amount of fun we were having during that moment and will mean something to only the three of us. In that way, a selfie can be sentimental.

I think they both are able to be seen as valuable/important. Selfies, even though they are quick and don't involve much planning, can hold a lot of value to the person/people in the photo. A simple picture of you and your friends making weird faces at each other can mean something totally different to the people in the picture than how other people view it. You can look back on a selfie years from now and remember exactly what you were doing and who you were with.
As for a self-portrait, they can hold importance in that they might've been hard to take and get perfect but once you got it the sense of accomplishment is unreal. Taking a self-portrait can show value because you went through the effort to make it perfect, making sure it shows who you are/what you represent.

My selfie

The website I chose was the blog, LENS in The New York Times.
The intention of this website is to keep people updated with the news using photography. Using Photo of the Day to keep people updated on what's happening around the world that day. The blog writes about the pictures that are featured throughout the blog in detail. The average viewer can get a lot out of this website because not only does it include photos of what's happening that day all around the world, it also has many other posts about events that've happened a long time ago, and pieces about our changing world's different views on things. An example would be "Visualizing Magical Realism in Ecuador". I wouldn't add this to my bookmarks only because I am not one to just look at the news in my free time. Although if I was wanting to stay updated on what was happening around the world, then I would for sure add it to my bookmarks. I would definitely recommend the website to anyone who is wanting to stay aware of things that are happening around the world, especially if you're not a huge reader. You can go through, see pictures that catch your eye and look further into that topic. I would give this a 4 rating because it contains really good pieces, but it is kind of hard to find the daily photos. One thing I learned was how Arab people are strong because of what they're constantly going through, what with the govt. and other controlling things.


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